The rugby player, John Dickinson once said: "The pub is as much a part of rugby as is the playing field."
This is very much the ethos of the Occasionals. As the name suggests, we are the social team at Barnes. <...
The rugby player, John Dickinson once said: "The pub is as much a part of rugby as is the playing field."
This is very much the ethos of the Occasionals. As the name suggests, we are the social team at Barnes.
If you cannot train and commit a large amount of time to a club but still want to enjoy a good standard of rugby and the clubhouse banter afterwards then we are the team for you
Off the pitch - we are the embodiment of the social side of the game, attending/taking part in various sporting events and frequently meeting up for drinks - The All Blacks motto: "Subdue and penetrate" takes on a whole different meaning when the Occies are out on the town!
That said, we play in a league in which every other team trains regularly (we are the only team that doesn't), and in which we consistently finish towards the top. A lot of our players have played to a much higher standard, but no longer have the time to commit, due to work, or accidental pregnancies.
We turn out to play running rugby, hit hard, and have a beer afterwards, in an environment in which blazers and ties are burnt on sight, and in which we actually choose to spend time socially together.
So, if any of the below apply:
Be awesome...Occasionally.